Sunday 9 September 2018

The Haldi-Kumkum Disaster

How “convenience” is killing the “Nature”

Haldi Kumkum or inviting women and girls for tamboolam happens during several occasions each year.  These are times of celebrating womenhood, give good wishes to each other for a good and happy life and show that life can be party while remembering the goddess.  These are fun times where you dress up, meet other ladies and get the tamboolam bags.  But when I come back home and see what I have brought home, I realize that most of it just goes to recycle bin or dry waste.  Then why did I bring them at all?!!    The age of convenience has become an age of unnecessary consumption and killing earth.  I wonder, when this change occurred!!  I suppose most of us have been taken by surprise or probably have not even realized the change.

Thamboolam before the era of packaging

Thamboolam in the era of packaging

Even for those of us who are religious in recycling, some of the packaging are so small that it is not even practical to separate the materials to recycle them.

 Haldi-kumkum and beetle nut come in these tiny packets.  Sometimes haldi and kumkum are not really haldi and kumkum but coloured powder that can cause severe reactions.  Moreover most people don't use these.  Why give them at all?   Haldi kumkum can be offered from a bowl, why give to go.  For those few who are particular about this, take a little the effort to pack kumkum in used papers and use dried whole haldi instead.  Beetle nuts are available without packing, where half or whole nuts can be purchased with zero environmental impact. Those who don’t use can just compost.

The return gifts are not needed as most people don't use them.  Especially the blouse pieces which come in their individual plastic wrapping that no one uses in the age of designer blouses.  If you do want to give, a reusable box, a bag or a plant that will be better appreciated.

The glass bangles, who wears them anyway.  After all they don't match any of the dresses that we have and most times they are either too big or too small.  I remember, my mom used to keep multiple sizes and colours in a pile and let the women choose themselves.  Now a days, for convenience, they are prepacked into little carry bags.  Now that means when it’s brought home, highly likely, they are of no use.  

And finally carry bags.  Why can't we just ask the women to bring reusable carry bags like the shops?  Why give those single use plastic or polyurethane bags?  If you do want to give the convenience, then give a bag that can be reused for veggie shopping or pack in old newspapers.  Just a bit of effort from our sides will make a big difference.       

Reused packaging

We have one earth.  So, while keeping the spirit of festivities alive and kicking, let us not kick ourselves out of it!


  1. Well put across. Acceptance to the change is the key and taking it forward is the knack

  2. Loved this thought. If we all fallow this then we will not kill the nature.

  3. Well said. Hope many woman will adopt small changes. Makes lot of difference to mother Earth.

  4. A friend used to give everyone a coconut in their hand to take back home. A dot of haldi kumkum on it to make it festive

    1. Thank you for your comment. Even I usually give a plant and put haldi kumkum on the pot itself. Hope more people would do that. This article is my effort in that direction

    2. I totally agree with your views.. we all ladies should adopt these changes n save mother earth..

  5. Great write up. You must add the combs and mirrors which are so wasted and not used by any one.I wish people would understand convenience versus beliefs without attaching religious sentiments.

    1. So true. Those little mirrors and comb too. Religious sentiments came into picture due to some social reason at some point of time. Most often we forget the reason and do not to change the custom when reasons are no longer valid.

  6. I agree with you. We should change the way we are following our customs... traditions can continue, but the methodsneed a revamp.

  7. Wonderfully explained.... along with best alternatives... let us all together save our Mother Earth

  8. Yes Very Interesting write up.I agrae. Then there are these Zip Lock Bags of soaked Shenagalu, Plain soaked Sundal, Soaked kala Chana !! I bring so many in zip Lock Bagsfull and rinse them and freeze them I still have some in small plastic Ziplock bags my Freezer from last year. How much can we cook and eat . For ME I get 4 Tuesdays Srava=na Mangala Varams by many Ladies and 4 Fridays Varalakshmi pujas also by many Ladies in Sravana Masam. Yes Tradition. !! some also give a small Mirror, Comb and plastic Beetlenut Leaf with Haldi Kum Kum Very Innovative and in Beautiful Packets. Specially all 9 days of Navaratri golu....Yes those Blouse Pieces !! But all these are Symbols of sumagali Married wooman and is Auspicious to give and receive. But there is a limit too what one can Change ecolgically and keep the Tradition of giving and receiving these as Blessings.

  9. I once gave multi coloured dupatta

  10. Good thought . Time to change

  11. Daring write up. Happy a bold lady has authored this. Hats off. Our swami paid drawers are full of these multi coloured packs of so called kumkum, haldi/chandana etc. When we clean up, there is a fear in even entertaining the thought of disposing them in the bin ! Such is the extent of belief drilled into us from childhood.

    The big question is who is going to implement this wonderful step to keep our environment Green by saving the earth for the future generations to breath.

    With Navarathri season and other festivals, weddings etc on the calendar, can you all come forward and say an emphatic "NO" to use of plastics and similar items....?

    Or, are we going to be mute spectators and continue to accept the packaged thamboolams. Can the ladies resolve to request the host to offer kumkum, manjal only on plate for instant application, and say sorry to carrying the packed thamboolams.

    The day you implement this resolution, it will slowly but surely catch up and in course of time there will be no takers for the packaged blessings.
    The temples too will slowly adopt this change for the good.

    Best wishes for an instant start of this thoughtful movement.l

  12. It is really an eye opening message. I definitely promise to implement your suggestion.

  13. Though a good write up , it sounds like another marketing gimmick and to win easy applause by degrading customs. Si very indian.consumerism is the key.

  14. Though a good write up , it sounds like another marketing gimmick and to win easy applause by degrading customs. Si very indian.consumerism is the key.

  15. I myself have thought about this often..traditions are eventually to bring goodness to humanity and not to burden the environment further..let's spread the message and I am sure ladies out there who conduct these poojas will be positively influenced!!! Similar is the case with Vinayaka much of plastic does each community add to the environment during Ganesh festival..more awareness need to be created among people in the environment impact..reall r appreciate your effort!!

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