Friday 11 March 2016

Kids: The experts

Every morning I walk with my daughter to her bus stop.  Its just outside the complex and she is old enough to go by herself.  But this is the time where we catch up with each other as friends and she gives me interesting tit-bits.

Today's news: My daughter's school removed mirrors from the girls' restrooms in the 12th grade wing. Reason: Girls are spending too much time looking at themselves and applying make up. I told, may be they should just add more mirrors, that way the girls will get bored of seeing themselves.

My daughter responded, "Amma, you don't understand. Looking at yourself in the mirror is like touching your own hair.  You never get bored.  It just becomes a habit.  Even if you shave off the hair, you will continue to scratch your scalp".

I was just dumbfounded.  Never thought of it that way and the feeling, "oh! my goodness, my little one has grown up"

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