Saturday 27 July 2019

Serendipity - Give chance a chance

We humans try to control and plan our future.  We tend to focus on what didn't go per plan, worry about the same and be unhappy.  Reasons to worry and be unhappy are endless, career, finances, house, kids education, their marriage, their kids, do they care of us and so on.  Things do not always go as per our plans, but something not planned may not be always bad.  If you keep adapting to whats happening, something nice may still happen.  Serendipity is just around the corner, the world is made for us to be happy. 

Realized that today when I was trying to use the camera my husband gifted me.

Munias (spice finches) had nested in my terrace.  I noticed that they babies had fledged.  When this happens a beautiful drama unfolds, where you can see watchful parents trying to teach their little fledglings on the ways of life.  So I took my camera and waited to capture the beautiful story.  Unfortunately, they were so deep in the bushes that I could barely capture anything except some random shots and then all of a sudden they just flew away.   Instead of giving up the shoot, I decided to focus on the only animal around, a squirrel, after all, I am already standing on a stool, looking over a ledge, with camera in full zoom.   And then I managed to get this..


Not by plan but by chance, because the second squirrel came into the frame as I was focused on the first one.  Serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Lots of reasons to believe the chance events also lead to happy outcomes, provided you give chance a chance.  So what are you focused on?

PS: If you are wondering, the next morning I captured some extremely beautiful shots of the fledglings..


  1. Beautifully written and a beautiful picture to go with it. Be open and enjoy and "chances" are you will achieve something

  2. Nicely written. Please share the pics of the fledglings

  3. Very nice Mala and so true. We do miss out beautiful moments of life because we are busy worrying about things not going as per plan.
